Notes No excuses

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Time flies when you are having fun. Or rather, time pass so quickly once you start to procrastinate. Illusions of grandeur seldom becomes the truth. Forgive and forget, let’s hope it’s a comeback.

That’s the sad truth when loop through the short history of this weblog. Late in 2012, I had the grand ambitions to do a redesign of this website out in the open, to get things going. That never happened. We are now almost halfway through 2014 and I've finally turned these abmbitions into something presentable. Not as an open redesign, as first intended. Water under the bridge.

As promisied in the title, this is no excuse. This last year included a lot. A new home, a new job, a new love. That’s when a small website easily fall thorugh the cracks.

The existens of this weblog

To be honest, I'm not writing for you. I’m not writing for anyone to read. So there's been no reason for me to stress anything. It's more of a tool for me keep track of progress, to practice my English. Reflection is great tool and I—for one--would definitely benefit a little bit from doing that sort of exercise more often.

What’s next

Well, my intentions are to write a little bit more often. But there are no promises being made, I know myself far to well. Thanks for reading.